Ep 198 -‘What’s next: Musical Theater’ With music by: A Giant Dog, Antitypical, Dangerous Goods, Grand Army Reapers, Not the Ones, Perennials, The Frestonians, Vince Junior
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of Feb 15, 2022: Punk rock bicycle riders. Saran wrap fashion. Plus eight amazing songs. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Quantum Addiction by Antitypical
- The Well and the Lighthouse by A Giant Dog
- Temporary Problems by Dangerous Goods
- Shortwave Seance (The Future is in Radio) by Grand Army Reapers
- Perennial in a Haunted House by Perennial
- On the Chin by Not the Ones
- What’s in it for Me by the Frestonians
- Too Good to Be True to Me by Vince Junior
Ep 197 -‘Magic Love Tingle’ With music by: The Pulsebeats, Merzie, That Beat, Midnight Poetry, Miss Georgia Peach, pMad, The Beths, The Duneflowers
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of Feb 15, 2022: Anxious pop. Advice for young artists: city vs. county. Plus eight amazing songs. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- The Back Side of Dallas by Miss Georgia Peach
- City Lights by The Dune Flowers
- I’m Not Getting Excited by The Beths
- Wake Me Up by Midlife Poetry
- Medicine by pMad
- Punk You MFS by Merzie
- (She Sings Like) Joey Ramone by The Pulsebeats
- Sidewalk Surfer Blues by That Beat
Ep 196 -‘Put on Your Ramones Hair’ With music by: Baby Baby, Day & Dream, Dee Obscenity, Hit Dogs, Rhinestone Pickup Truck, The Discs, The Thorazines, Zillicoah
Best of the underground, week of Feb 8, 2022: Are space and time officially irrelevant? John sort of almost meets some famous people. Plus eight amazing songs. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Marrows by Zillicoah
- I Saw The Ramones (And I Wish You Were There) by The Thorazines
- Down the Side Street by the Discs
- Overdose by Rhinestone Pickup Truck
- Facedown by Hit Dogs
- Scratch Off Fiend by Dee Obscenity
- Security Blanket by Day & Dream
- Fitted Sheets for the Lonely by Baby Baby
Ep 194 -‘We’re going to get a Grammy’ With music by: Tess Parks, Federale, Guy Roswell, Suppi and the Ghouls, Stalled Minds, Dead Married, Darby Wilcox, Al Pacino’s Sister
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of Feb 1, 2022: Welcome to the year of the Tiger (wink). Weird yoga thinking that you need to memorize. Plus eight amazing songs. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Idealistic Life by Al Pacino’s Sister
- Mantra by Darby Wilcox
- I Let Love In by Federale
- Mystified by Guy Roswell
- Dracula Song by Dead Married
- Don’t You Look Back by Stalled Minds
- What’s Going On (Moonmoons) by Suppi and the Ghouls
- Happy Birthday Forever by Tess Parks