Entries by Cinnamon

Be nicer to Bandcamp!

Bandcamp is like the proverbial hometown girlfriend. So easy, and so eager, that often when bands get ‘real’ they stop honoring it with their presence. Bandcamp doesn’t have a playlist feature, and they make you hold the music you buy in weird places (on their site or on your hard drive), and their internal search […]

Song We Like: Losing Form by Polly Panic

 In these post-Polly-Harvey days, a girl like Polly Panic needs to do more than just whack you on your head with her cello. She needs to whack you on your head with two cellos, that are mic’ed up to sound scarier than Metallica. We love it.

Song We Like: The Lucky Ones by Spud Cannon

 As we’ve stated, funkiness is an untradeable, unteachable, undefined commodity, and if you’ve got some of it, you need to protect it and cherish it like rubies. And flash it at people sometimes, like Spud Cannon does in this song.