Entries by Johnny P

Bad Molly “Lucy Furs”

The direct reference to “Lucy Furs” and the dank atmosphere of this country ballad, the country of abandoned crossroads at midnight, embraces the darker side of music. This is a song that Kieth and Mick would have been happy to drag up from the basement of Mansion Nellcote. Rich reverb drenched guitars and Peter Elwell […]

Ep 119 – ‘Female Vocalists and Tristan’ With music by: Sea of Dogs, Furies, Rhinestone Pickup Truck, Storm the Palace, Hayley & the Crushers, Foot Gun, Tilly and the Wall

Best of the underground, week of August 18, 2020: Lots of female vocalists. John’s controversial thoughts about the meaning of life and dominatrixes. Also, exclusive artist interview with Foot Gun. Also…great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.) […]

The Deathbots – Just Go

The Deathbots was conceived as a brawling mix between Bad Religion and Johnny Cash, that combo of super speedy melodic punk and killer bad-ass country. Just Go is the epitome of this sound. Tight So-Cal inspired sound wreckage, with wrenched, riffing guitars and bass, driving drums – and then the melody and lyrics have such […]

Anti-Social Club – “Empty”

Anti-Social Club leans back into familiar glam and electronica for their latest single “Empty” – this is an Erasure, Yaz, David Bowie inspired track. There is darkness and death and cancer and a bleakness that fills the song with a chill – “there’s a pain in his chest and a weakness in her knees – […]

Ep 118 – ‘Dance Memories’ With music by: Thee Crucials, Pancakes, Day & Dream, Puerto, The Humms, Violent Mae, The Paranoyds

  Best of the underground, week of August 11, 2020: Swirling in technical difficulties, John broadcasts from a CB radio and reveals the origins of many of his Moves. Also, great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.) […]

Ep 116 – ‘Going Crazy’ With music by: Kitty Tsunami, Teamonade, The Measurements, SG Carlson, Fox Face, Modern Strangers, The Junkiess

Best of the underground, week of July 28, 2020: John turns into a giant bug. Plus many stories about the Kennedys losing their minds, and much great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.) This week we played: […]

Venomous Pinks “Todos Unidos”

This hardcore street punk only works this well if the musicians are this tight, compact, together, gang-like, and with the 100% self-belief and alignment with the message. Hardcore, like this, is best compared to the work of monks or mystics, when only absolute devotion creates the wisdom, the magic, and any questioning or self-doubt ruins […]

Ep 115 – ‘Latchkey Kids’ With music by: Stray Owls, Shehehe, Oliver Hazard, The Rotten Mangos, Dynamite Platoon, Grin Hound, Quinn Powers

Best of the underground, week of July 21, 2020: All the many ways skateboarding made John into an idiot, plus a few other thoughts about Mtv and the crumbling of nonfunctional societal structures. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple […]