Song We Like: You Got It, Steve by Haybaby
Simple drums and bass driving this catchy pop song forward. Sweet singing – about the cold put down of Steve.
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Simple drums and bass driving this catchy pop song forward. Sweet singing – about the cold put down of Steve.
Massive walls of distortion and slammed drums – and walls of massive irony. I just spent my last cent – that’s ok because I don’t give a shit.
Great American garage rock and a small town West Virginia howl. The voice is worth playing this song over and over – and then there’s the assessment from an honest man that – he couldn’t maintain his self-destructive days.
The Pack A.D. is our reason for inception. They were one of the first underground bands we loved unconditionally. These two women made it so clear the underground was producing far better music than the mainstream.
This stuff only happens when you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m managing “Band A” for one year, as an exploration of the music industry – and I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’ve had success sending out music by “Band A” to college and independent radio stations. I won’t say overwhelming success, but if I send out a “Band A” release to 25 radio stations then a radio station will play “Band A.”
I am managing “Band A” for the course of a year – and writing about it – as an exploration of the music industry. Playing live and touring is a big part of a band’s plan for sharing their sound, for seeing how an audience responds, for gaining fans.
We have a long history with BROTHRS – we’ve been going to their shows, hanging out with them, interviewing hem for this podcast, and playing their music for a couple of years now. Goddamn these guys can write a song – bluegrass, rock, punk, funk, pop – they got it all.
Great Japanese punk rock. We’re into massive garage rock riffs, attitude – and a special bonus – we really love the male/female voice combination.
Classic 1977 punk – influenced by The Damned, early The Clash and the Sex Pistols – this is a catchy as hell song about selling plasma to take out your honey, to throw the real world away again and head back out on tour.