Ep 236! With music by: The Ice Creams, Feeble Little Horse, Ardillas, French Cassettes, Public Memory, Last Pass

Ep 236! With music by: The Ice Creams, Feeble Little Horse, Ardillas, French Cassettes, Public Memory, Last Pass

Best of the underground, week of Nov 15, 2022: Weird music, and some stuff about relationships. Plus 7 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 235! With music by: The Sword Fighters, Momma Molasses, Mala Vista, Anti-Social Club, Bonny Dagger, Mark Watch

Ep 235! With music by: The Sword Fighters, Momma Molasses, Mala Vista, Anti-Social Club, Bonny Dagger, Mark Watch


Best of the underground, week of Nov 8, 2022: Special guest Greg from Object x And Anti Social Club introduces the Holy Crap Records Playlist! Playlist launches! Plus 6 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 234! With music by: Sean Barna, Playboy Manbaby, CAM Girl, Jack M. Senff, Criminal Kids, The Landscape

Ep 234! With music by: Sean Barna, Playboy Manbaby, CAM Girl, Jack M. Senff, Criminal Kids, The Landscape

Best of the underground, week of Nov 1, 2022: Guest theater expert Cathy Kennedy joins to instruct us (and you) about stuff. This is the podcast if you want to learn stuff! Plus 6 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 233! With music by: The Glass Beads, Fortunato, Why, Why?, Sawina Swiwi, Johan Smogwafer, Jay and Bill’s Unnamed Band Project, Beulah Froom

Ep 233! With music by: The Glass Beads, Fortunato, Why, Why?, Sawina Swiwi, Johan Smogwafer, Jay and Bill’s Unnamed Band Project, Beulah Froom

Best of the underground, week of Oct 25, 2022: If you have hubris, you can win. Plus: 7 great creepy as hell songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 232! With music by: Hallelujah the Hills, Skunk Ruckus, Morgendie, Schoolboy Cubemaster, Indigente, Ben Survant, A Montreal Paul

Ep 232! With music by: Hallelujah the Hills, Skunk Ruckus, Morgendie, Schoolboy Cubemaster, Indigente, Ben Survant, A Montreal Paul

Best of the underground, week of Oct 18, 2022: JP anarchist. Cis men dancing will save the country. Extreme spookiness. 7 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 231! With music by: The Beatersband, Errol Bateman, On the Wane, Carpal Tullar, Stegosaurus, Andrew Massey, Brute Opposition

Ep 231! With music by: The Beatersband, Errol Bateman, On the Wane, Carpal Tullar, Stegosaurus, Andrew Massey, Brute Opposition

Best of the underground, week of Oct 11, 2022: Little titbits of musical expertise. JP’s yoga philosophy. 7 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 230! With music by: The Routes, Tea Eater, The Glass Beads, Fashion Bath, Object X, John Kirby and the New Seniors, The Reductives

Ep 230! With music by: The Routes, Tea Eater, The Glass Beads, Fashion Bath, Object X, John Kirby and the New Seniors, The Reductives

Best of the underground, week of Oct 4, 2022: Spookiness. Boneheads protect you from zombies. 7 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 229! With music by: Michael Beach, Wine Lips, Advance Base, Toeheads, Call the Next Witness, Sasha and the Valentines, Hanna Svirska

Ep 229! With music by: Michael Beach, Wine Lips, Advance Base, Toeheads, Call the Next Witness, Sasha and the Valentines, Hanna Svirska

Best of the underground, week of Sept 27, 2022: Running errands with the Kennedys. How to unhinge your jaw. 7 great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

Ep 229! With music by: A Very Special Episode, Bankrupt, Beechwood, Bruiser Queen, Drowntown, Mindstone

Ep 229! With music by: A Very Special Episode, Bankrupt, Beechwood, Bruiser Queen, Drowntown, Mindstone

Best of the underground, week of Sept 20, 2022: Irony: yes or no? Dictators join bands. Six great songs! (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)