Ep 119 – ‘Female Vocalists and Tristan’ With music by: Sea of Dogs, Furies, Rhinestone Pickup Truck, Storm the Palace, Hayley & the Crushers, Foot Gun, Tilly and the Wall
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of August 18, 2020: Lots of female vocalists. John’s controversial thoughts about the meaning of life and dominatrixes. Also, exclusive artist interview with Foot Gun. Also…great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Old Woman by Sea of Dogs
- Nutbush City Limits by Furies
- Pretending by Rhinestone Pickup Truck
- Clive by Storm the Palace
- Gabbie is a Dom by Hayley and the Crushers
- Bonaroo by Foot Gun
- I Can’t Believe You by Tilly and the Wall
Ep 118 – ‘Dance Memories’ With music by: Thee Crucials, Pancakes, Day & Dream, Puerto, The Humms, Violent Mae, The Paranoyds
Best of the underground, week of August 11, 2020: Swirling in technical difficulties, John broadcasts from a CB radio and reveals the origins of many of his Moves. Also, great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Doe Eyes by Thee Crucials
- I Say Shit by Pancakes
- A Study in the Pixels of Your Face by Day & Dream
- Call the Doctor by Puerto
- Lady Low by The Humms
- Worn Out My Welcome by Violent Mae
- Memory Foam by The Paranoyds
Ep 117 – ‘Hot Craig!’ With music by: Illuminati Hotties, The You Go Girls, Top Nachos, Oozelles, Sam Price, Angry Lovers, Garrett Hatch
Best of the underground, week of August 4, 2020: John spots a very good looking man, some bickering about rolling stone magazine, and much great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
Ep 116 – ‘Going Crazy’ With music by: Kitty Tsunami, Teamonade, The Measurements, SG Carlson, Fox Face, Modern Strangers, The Junkiess
Best of the underground, week of July 28, 2020: John turns into a giant bug. Plus many stories about the Kennedys losing their minds, and much great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Brown Mountain Boogie by Kitty Tsunami
- Sadder than U by Teamonade
- Under Siege by The Measurements
- How to Pose in Pictures by SG Carlson
- Boogie Man by Fox Face
- Pretty Ones by Modern Strangers
- Aftermath by The Junkiess
Ep 115 – ‘Latchkey Kids’ With music by: Stray Owls, Shehehe, Oliver Hazard, The Rotten Mangos, Dynamite Platoon, Grin Hound, Quinn Powers
Best of the underground, week of July 21, 2020: All the many ways skateboarding made John into an idiot, plus a few other thoughts about Mtv and the crumbling of nonfunctional societal structures. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Dislocation by Stray Owls
- Down the Stairs by Shehehe
- Caesar Knows by Oliver Hazard
- Krishna’s Throne by The Rotten Mangos
- Alligator by Dynamite Platooon
- Basement Parents by Grin Hound
- Posthumous Arrival by Quinn Powers
Ep 114 – ‘Theme People’ With music by: Elvis Depressedly, The Pink Stones, Earleine, Bipolaroid, Eerie Point, Bonny Dagger, Jaguardini
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of July 14, 2020: Excellent people, excellent music, and the connections that frequently exist between them. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Who Can Be Loved in this World? By Elvis Depressedly
- We’ve Got to Get Ourselves Together by The Pink Stones
- Rita by Earleine
- In My Cave by Bipolaroid
- Hotel Bathroom by Eerie Point
- Try That Again by Bonnie Dagger
- Skin & Bones by Jaguardini
Ep 113 – ‘Peeing’ With music by: Harriers of Discord, Dust Hat, Lo Wolf, Fortezza, Guerilla Toss, Buddy Wynkoop, Death Valley Girls
Best of the underground, week of July 7, 2020: John pees in someone’s convertible and gets away with it, karmically. Also, how to make your urethra into a balloon. Also, tons of great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- SOS by Harriers of Discord
- My Own Soul by Dust Hat
- Singe by Lo Wolf
- Electric by Fortezza
- Own Zone by Guerrilla Toss
- Diablogations by Buddy Wynkoop
- More Dead by Death Valley Girls
Ep 112 – ‘Success’ With music by: Single Finger Salute, Hatchie, Derek Frye, Fashion Bath, The Get Right Band, Vincas, The Rizzos
Best of the underground, week of June 30, 2020: How Asheville is like a parfait. Why Dolly Parton got the image thing exactly right. Also, tons of great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Control by Derek Frye (prerelease)
- May the Struggle Lead us to Compassion by Single Finger Salute (prerelease)
- Adored by Hatchie
- Perspective by Fashion Bath
- Itchy Soul by The Get Right Band
- Let Me In by Vincas
- Blackout by The Rizzos
Ep 111 – ‘Ch-ch-ch-changes’ With music by: Her Pilots, Broken Robots, Dude Babe, Scout Harris, Human Torpedo, Top Nachos, Weekend Lovers
PodcastsBest of the underground, week of June 23, 2020: All your questions answered! John explains how his brain works, and Cinnamon explains how everything in the universe works. Also, tons of great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)
This week we played:
- Cool Little Ghosts by Her Pilots (prerelease)
- Dimes and Quarters by Broken Robots
- Clean by Dude Babe (prerelease)
- Gone Numb by Scout Harris (prerelease)
- What We Got by Human Torpedo
- Frens by Top Nachos
- Baby by Weekend Lovers