Tag Archive for: cannonball jars

Song We Like: Looks Good to Me (A Top Hat and a Rabbit) by the Cannonball Jars
Songs We LikeRecorded in an echoey sphere, changing channels and styles, floating or bouncing jangily, chasing rabbits and not ever missing that show on TV. It’s excellent

Podcast 9 – Breaking the Fourth Wall
PodcastsEpisode 9- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Why JP Kennedy refuses to play the trumpet ever again. Is body odor sexy? Scary and inspiring bartenders. And Benjamin Hatch of the Cannonball Jars discusses how Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure changed his life. We also have excellent music:
- The Claws of Death with My Brain is a Shell
- The Pinc Louds with Dream Catcher
- The Cannonball Jars with Beds
- Pile with Texas
- The Go Devils with Death Rock
- Brendan Willing James with Woke Up on Pills
Thank you to Foot Gun for providing our theme song, thank you to Benjamin Hatch of the Cannonball Jars for the excellent interview, and thank you to The Asheville Rock Collective, for existing.