Tag Archive for: gabriel bernini

Ep 87 – `2020 Baby’ FEAT: Stevie & the Sleaze, Her Pilots, Gäk, Don Babylon, Gabriel Bernini

Best of the underground, week of Jan 7, 2020: Is John going to hell? Find out here! Also, Cinnamon learns to breakdance, our experience with raw-foodism, and other useless items. Plus all this MUSIC, including one song that’s 9 minutes long. (All podcasts and reviews are on our website, www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.) Artists! We like you, good work. 2020. It’s here, phew 💪

Gabriel Bernini on Northampton, MA, and who stole his cowbell

Gabriel Bernini just released his favorite record yet called “Record For Bailey,” for which he made all of the songs on his own in his basement on Lovefield St. in Easthampton MA. He has another record in the works at the moment called “Sweeties” that should be out later this year. We featured his song “My Girl (Pass the Mic)” on our #41 podcast.

My favorite thing to wear onstage:

Makeup. It feels like putting on a mask of some kind, so I can really be an onstage character rather than trying to be myself.

My favorite musical instrument or item that I purchased recently is:

MXR Phase 90. It fits guitars into the mix really easily and makes the whole track nice and squishy.

Responsible for Van Halen’s “Tone in a Box” sound

The musical instrument or item that I really really want is:

Cowbell. Someone took mine and it’s been a real bummer when I want some cowbell on a track.

The artist who has influenced me most is:

Bob Dylan. He so tapped in. We all strive to tap in as much as Dylan.

Something I wish I’d known before joining a band:

Protect your ears!

I live in this city:

Northampton, Western MA. I grew up here and went to college here.

The general vibe of this city is:

College town. Great music scene, lots of artists, lots of food.

Editor’s note: That is the Northampton flag. Bet you didn’t know they had a flag.

The best place to play music here is:

The Parlor Room. They’re nice people.

The best place to SEE music here is:

Any basement show. It’s a real scene.

My favorite local band (aside from my own):

Sun Parade, Carinae, Kind Radio

I collect:

Vinyl Records. I love buying, listening and looking at vinyl records. It’s a great hobby. It’s such a thrill to find a record you’ve been looking for at the right price. It’s a real high.

When people look back on our culture in a hundred years, they’ll say:

It’s crazy compartmentalized. There’s so much going on. Everyone’s into cool different stuff and it’s all available on the internet.  

My favorite thing to watch on tv is:

Joe Pera Talks With You. Feels new and exciting!

A winter indulgence that I would never forgo is:

I don’t know, I usually indulge in the summer I guess

The last music I downloaded was:

Nina Rota soundtracks. A fun listen

In my heart I wish I was:

A smoker. Because I would have a raspier voice

Editor’s note: IKR!! Also, smokers get breaks. Nonsmokers get no breaks!!

A beauty staple that I’m never without is:

My trusty beauty staple


I trust my staple

My personal analysis of the current state of the music industry is:

Probably for the best!

When people come to visit me, particularly if those people are cooler than I am, I take them to:

Our tallest bridge


To push them off for being cooler than me.

Favorite seasonal beverage:

Hot chocolate


Chocolate but hot.

Song We Like: My Girl (Pass the Mic) by Gabriel Bernini

Hello, hello everyone’s so beautiful out there tonight! Here is a good song to listen to if you are sure that life is terrible and everyone hates everything. (Evidently not.) Gabriel Bernini keeps it simple while making it all unnecessarily complicated at the same time. So full of love. (Featured on our #41 podcast, The Revolütion Will Be Puppetized)