Tag Archive for: songs we like

Song we like: Vegan Doughnuts by TOP Nachos

We like everything about TOP Nachos, from their subject matter to their cardboard-box-thumping Tiny Desk video. In addition to being totally amusing they are really talented. Five stars.

Song We Like: Hummingbird by Magus and the Movers

Magus (May-GUS) and his band sing for a long time about some stuff, like hummingbirds and ships. After 6.5 minutes you’ll feel like you’ve wallpapered the inside of your brain with this song, in such a good way. It’s so, so pretty. Five stars.

Song We Like: Lay by Sleeping Jesus

Me and John surprised each other, and you, with our unexpected coolness in finding this cool-cool-cool brooklyn-sounding band (they’re from Minnesota). We don’t know what genre this is, but it sounds expensive and sexy and plagued by ennui (like Brooklyn)

Song We Like: Don’t Tell Me Your Dreams by Gold Connections

If you’re like me and you collect songs about rockstar relationships, you’ll love this one. ‘You said I sold your heart to top the charts!’ DAMN!! It’s also a really good, solid, hook-y song, perfectly executed, and we love it

Song We Like: Space Baron Boogie by Viva le Vox

It was only after we recorded the podcast that I came upon a video of this singer doing a lewd dance on stage with a stand up bass, but really you can kind of hear that kind of stage presence even in the audio. A wonderful, totally weird band, a gift to humankind.

Song We Like: The Basement by Lunar Vacation

A sweet-sounding band with a sort of weird, vague, melodic/not-melodic thing going on, singing a song about love and loss and vagueness and exhausted indifference at a basement party. Everyone can relate to this 👍

Song We Like: Tide by Secret Bleeders

Melodically interesting, complex instrumentals (dark – real dark). And their talented vocalist does some scat over the top about thighs and stuff. Awesome

Song We Like: Honest Loving Heart by Momma Molasses

It’s a really pretty song, and she probably wrote it, but she is the kind of artist who could sing a furniture-store jingle and make you fall in love with her. Really, you should listen.

Song We Like: Nutthin’s Fair by Illiterate Light

The new marriage of rock and pop is not just about synths and squeaky girls (we like those too). It’s about rock musicians who are tuning their music to a new level of catchiness without sacrificing integrity. Let’s all go see Illiterate Light at Lalapalooza in August.