Tag Archive for: the launderettes

Podcast 34 – HLYCRP TOP 10 of 2018!!

 To say that this was a difficult decision would be a tremendous, tremendous understatement. But here it is… This week we bring you Less talk. More rock:

Thank you to Foot Gun for providing our theme song, and thank you to all of the bands who let us play their music on our show in 2018. You amaze us. And you improve the world, a lot. (Hey- also!!!! Please take a second to like Holy Crap Records on Facebook and friend us or whatever on Twitter.)

Album Review: Getaway by The Launderettes

Five gorgeous women making sweet/harsh ‘Nordic Noir’ music would be hard to take, except for the fact that they’re so dang good. Twenty straight years of practice really makes for some great songs. Our favorite song: Marks on My Map. (Reviewed on our #20 podcast, hills hoists.)

Podcast 21: The Ultimate Compliment

Let’s talk about feelings! We discuss ways in which artists are crazy, and then explore Cinnamon’s catalog of very young obscure rockers, and then we listen to doom rock for a long time. Eventually we figure out what grad students are for, and discuss the national feeling of bobsledding. David Lee Macrae of Aesoterra reveals how psychedelic metal can heal you. We also have excellent music