Entries by Cinnamon

Song We Like: Hidden Beatles Song by 3 Legged Dog

There’s some parts where the band all comes in kind of jangly, and there’s some parts where the guy just does his thing; it doesn’t ever make sense, but it doesn’t ever not make sense either. The progression is intuitive and so, so beautiful. One of Cinnamon’s all-time favorites.

Song We like: She Sings by Daddies

A band whose recordings suggest a big, big live presence. These chords and melody are very Right Now, and Daddies pulls it off with so much style and ease that we think maybe all the other very-2019 bands are copying them.

Experiment: Band Management: Blog 7: Autograph My Chest

So this actually happened last night. “Band A” was playing at a dive bar on Saturday night, and the bass guitar player was singing about “your mom” (the song is actually called “your mom”), and two women approached the stage. One of the women lowered the top of her t-shirt, suggestively and slightly inappropriately, but not a full flash, and asked him to autograph her chest.