Experiment: Band Management: Blog 7: Autograph My Chest

So this actually happened last night. “Band A” was playing at a dive bar on Saturday night, and the bass guitar player was singing about “your mom” (the song is actually called “your mom”), and two women approached the stage. One of the women lowered the top of her t-shirt, suggestively and slightly inappropriately, but not a full flash, and asked him to autograph her chest.
So the question is – if “Band A” has captured this lightening in a bottle, if the band is actually sexy, if each stage show results in at least a couple of inappropriate offers (usually to the drummer and the lead singer) how do you reach a larger audience? 
It’s hard to differentiate a band in an extremely strong local scene, at a time when the underground is producing some truly amazing music. Buying likes on social media sucked and didn’t work. I’m still booking the band a ton of shows – that’s the easy part. 
So I got two new things going – 1) music video. People will watch a music video. It’s a format and a framing people can get their head around. Oh, I need a 3 minute mental health break at work? I’ll watch a music video. All I have to do is make the world’s most interesting music video. 
And 2) – time to place “Band A” on the radio. Full disclosure: I’m getting most of my marketing wisdom from an article written by John Richards of KEXP. It’s the first time I read some insider explaining how to get on the radio. https://www.kexp.org/about/getting-airplay/?t=1557070416188. One big take-away is that college radio is still extremely influential, and college radio still actually listens to the slush pile. It makes sense. You’re a super dorky freshman at a college radio station – and you love listening to new submissions, rather than some fat, bored radio exec in L.A. doing coke. So I’m going to send “Band A’s” latest single to: WERS (Emerson College), WFUV Public Radio (Fordham University, WRSU – Rutgers Radio, WCRW (Santa Monica College), KUTX 98.9 (University of Texas), 92 WICB (Ithaca), etc…. 
Anyway, John Richards of KEXP says I can send in the song – and then I can actually call them up and bother them about “Band A.” Oh yeah….