Song We Like: Ride The Dream by The Burning Peppermints
Psychedelic punks – mixing up bad-ass attitude and driving drums with organs and sweet psyche processed vocals.
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But we are proud to say that Johnny P contributed 610 entries already.
Psychedelic punks – mixing up bad-ass attitude and driving drums with organs and sweet psyche processed vocals.
We’ve been following France Moon for over a year now, and we’ve played her like 4 times on this podcast. World record holder!
I went to the Ancient Ethel album release party on Saturday night. This song “Runnin” is such a garage rock, blues, bad ass anthem.
You can’t claim that the underground music scene isn’t funky, doesn’t have a nice little cool groove, after listening to “City of Rain” by the Hex Girls.
I am managing “Band A” for one year – and also somehow promoting “Pipe” by The Styrofoam Turtles. Before we get to the next page of this misadventure – I want to talk about mental health.
Holy Crap Records has become a label – and we have released two singles. One from the notorious “Band A” and the other is “Pipe” from The Styrofoam Turtles. (You can check us out over at at the Holy Crap Records Label page.)
I feel like shit – now that’s a good opening line to a song. I’m in full of appreciation for scuzzing up some great classic American rock-n-roll.
Sometime a song just knocks you over. This is it. Maybe the best song I’ve heard all year. Just a killer female vocal, organ, hand claps, rocking and dancing.
Not from France, but from the Galway underground – this is great Velvet Underground inspired garage rock. This is the kinda stuff Sister Ray would groove on.