Band Management: Blog 43: Album Release Party!

Holy Crap Records has become a label – and we have released two singles. One from the notorious “Band A” and the other is “Pipe” from The Styrofoam Turtles. (You can check us out over at at the Holy Crap Records Label page.) And on Thursday night The Styrofoam Turtles had an album release party at The Mothlight with Tongues of Fire and Sane Voids. Gawd – I LOVE the TOF live show. Quality beer drinking, stage diving, and overall rock star moves. Just a great show. A ton of people showed up. Tristen Colby made fun of Holy Crap Records and the fact that he tricked us into being a label – which is perfect. And the single “Pipe” sounded so good – totally catchy and true from the stage.
So what now? What does a label do with some high quality music? And a total grifter who runs the label? Well, on Thursday, I sent off the song to 31 college and indie radio stations – which is where I had surprising success for “Band A.” Belter Radio got back in touch and asked me to upload a mp3, but then they sent a follow up email that said – resend after October 15th – because they were on some kind of hiatus as they move from internet radio to real radio.
And then I decided to research what Asheville bands were having success in terms of publicity? Secret Shame has had great success with their publicist. Crooked Ghost works with Shameless Promotion PR – and so I wrote down all the publications and podcasts and radio stations that Crooked Ghost has been promoted and played. And Melted Magazine did a great Q&A with Kitty Tsunami – and then followed up with a great piece of photo journalism with Eli Raymer. I think Eli is an amazing musician – playing with a ton of great bands, touring all the time, making his own great music as Good Trauma.
Anyway, I’ve made that list of platforms and publications and I will send them “Band A” and The Styrofoam Turtles. Let’s see what happens…