Johnny P of the Egg Eaters is Po, the youngest female Telletubby
Johnny P is the co-founder and star of the Holy Crap Records Podcast. He is also co-lead-singer and bass player for the Egg Eaters, co-other-person in Bad Banker, and he is also in the imaginary bands Man Schaft and The Deodorants.
My favorite thing to wear onstage:
Teletubby Costume. Because I hate music that is “good for you”
“Po” costume, purchased at a second-hand costume store in Branford, CT
The last musical instrument or musical-performance-related item that I bought and loved was:
I love my pan guitar. Sound is great. Fret is great. No one else likes playing it – but I do.
Made in Japan baby! Johnny P’s pan guitar. Plus some bills.
The musical instrument or musical-performance-related item that I really really really want is
A bass amp. Because I don’t like having anyone have any say on how loud I can play my bass.
Something I wish I’d known before joining/starting a band:
Be more bossy.
Johnny P demonstrates his typically shy and deferential self
I live in Black Mountain, NC. It is the best place ever. A bunch of grown ups who still act like delinquents. Everyone owns a bar, plays in a band, or plays soccer.
My favorite local band (aside from my own):
The Dirty Badgers. They have the most good songs.
In my fridge you’ll always find:
Salami. We’re vegetarians as of December ’18- but we didn’t finish the salami – so it will be in the fridge forever.
A winter indulgence that I would never forgo is:
The Idiot Mountain Run. I invented this event. We tape ice-cold beers to our hands with duct tape and then run up a mountain. And then drink the beer. And then walk down the mountain.
The idiot mountain run. The name says it all.
The last music I downloaded was:
Sharon Van Etten – Comeback Kid. 80 sound – I love
A beauty staple that I’m never without is: Doc Martens. They’re tough.
My favorite websites or apps are:
Candy Crush. Guitar Tuner. I crush candy and tune my guitar.
My favorite place to be outdoors in my city is
Soccer field. So I can kick people
The soccer fields in nearby Asheville, NC, self-titled ‘beer city, usa’, attract childlike adults
When people come to visit me, particularly if those people are cooler than I am, I take them to
The Odditorium, in West Asheville. Reminds me of CBGBs
The Egg Eaters at the Odditorium
Favorite seasonal beverage:
Glue Wine. Why not walk around with a mug of hot wine? [editor’s note: he means Glühwein, literally “glow wine” or German mulled wine.]
The last meal that truly impressed me was
There was some killer strudel in Austria. It was just killer.