Experiment: Band Management: Blog 22: On the cusp..

I am managing “Band A” for a year – I like them and I have free reign to use them in my exploration of the music industry. But I want to be very clear – I am not making claims that “Band A” is better than other bands we play on the podcast or other bands I know from the Asheville scene. Quite the opposite – I am making the argument that if “Band A” is getting any traction in the music industry, any radio airplay, any music publications coverage, any interest from labels – then f******ck, your band (you know who I’m talking to here – ahem – ahem) should get even more attention.
So “Band A” was invited to release an EP with Kafadan Kontak Records out of Istanbul, Turkey. For the sake of transparency these are the questions I asked KK Records:
1) Where/how are you releasing these EPs?
2) Do you get coverage in the music media for your bands? What regions and markets do you have connections?
3) Do you work to the the music played on radio, online radio, on Spotify playlists?
4) How else do you promote the music?
5) What is the label/artist split on the EP sales?
Also, for the sake of transparency, when people heard that “Band A” was going to release an EP on KK Records there were various suggestions about album covers, shown below. If you hadn’t guessed the band by now – these images will make it very clear. Obviously “Band A” is extremely sexy…. really sexy… sooooo sexy…. (thank you Scott Sturdy…)