Feel’n Bad by The Side Bets

I have so much love for The Side Bets and Dougie Ramone. It’s impossible to see a band for the first time and really understand anything of the music and vocals. I mean, you get the essence of whether the lead singer has a certain energy and charisma and if the guitarist can play a million notes – but the challenge for us all is to have people walk out of the club and remember our songs. You have to boil down and boil down your songs until the only thing left is the hooks. You will remember this song!

This is a straight hit. This is the song that you walk out of a show singing. Complexity is easy. It is far harder to take everything back down to the essence of gritty garage rock, dirty sleazy guitar, and being fearless and shouting on stage about “feelin’ bad” and “all the good things we use to have!” This is the haiku of underground rock music!Want to hear us talk about this song? Check out episode #89 of our podcast at hlycrp.com.