Lowbrow Art & Petty Crimes by Cloud City Caskets

As a long time admirer of both lowbrow art and petty crime, its hard for me to dislike a song by this title. Instant love aside, this is an open-throttle rager that never lets up. Pounding punk drums at blistering speed, riffing distorted guitars, and a never-tiring screaming vocal are stuffed onto the tape like fifteen pounds of…stuff…in a five pound bag. It’s busting apart in all the best ways.

If I turn on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 and I do not hear this song, I’m going to be pissed. It just sounds like its already an underground hit, like it’s already on every skateboarder’s boombox mixtape. It’s a gigantic anthem, celebrating all that is wonderfully bad in the world. I anticipate a large following for these guys.

Listen here: https://cloudcitycaskets.bandcamp.com/track/lowbrow-art-and-petty-crime