Ep 178 -‘No Endgame”’ With music by: Collars, Fever Beam, A Montreal Paul, Krista Muir, SurrenderCobra, Cat & Crow

Best of the underground, week of Oct 5, 2021: The under-covers compilation releases! Disembodied voices of two people who are not named Kennedy! Advice for how to win at life! Great music. (All podcasts and reviews are on www.hlycrp.com, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.)

This week we played:

‘Jeremiah’ by Collars

‘Lightening’ by Fever Beam

‘On the Cities Lips’ by Krista Muir

‘Oh the Cities Lips’ by A Montreal Paul (prerelease)

‘To Be Free’ by Cat & Crow

‘To Be Free’ by SurrenderCobra (prerelease)